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If It’s On The Internet, It Must Be True!


This fact is CONFIRMED

The Internet agrees…!

Not just anyone can have a website, right? Therefore, if something exists on a website, it must be true, right?!

This website exists to help you prove… well, anything you want to!

We all know it’s true you can publish whatever stupid thing you want to online these days, and I thought I could help! Want a specific page that says whatever “fact” you want is true? Let me know!

After all…

Can you believe this…?

In an era where information flows seamlessly through digital channels, the phrase “If it’s on the Internet, it must be true!” can be seen as a beacon of hope, promising a world where information is unerringly accurate and readily accessible. Imagine the convenience of being able to trust every piece of information you encounter online, without the need for skepticism or fact-checking. Such a scenario could revolutionize the way we learn, make decisions, and interact with the world around us.

The allure of unquestionable digital truth is undeniable. We live in a fast-paced world where time is of the essence, and having confidence in the information we find online can streamline our decision-making processes. In this ideal scenario, we could confidently follow online advice for various tasks, from DIY home projects to medical inquiries, without hesitating or seeking second opinions. The internet’s vast expanse would transform into a reliable, all-knowing oracle, simplifying our lives and eliminating the need for exhaustive research.

Moreover, the “Internet truth” philosophy could bridge gaps in knowledge and education. Students would no longer question the credibility of their online research, enhancing the learning process. With this unshakable trust in online content, we might even see an acceleration in innovation, as people readily embrace new ideas and concepts presented online, confident in their authenticity.

Beyond individual benefits, this perspective might foster a digital community founded on trust. Collaborative efforts and discussions could thrive, untethered by doubts about the accuracy of shared information. Social interactions could be more meaningful and productive, as debates would center on nuances and applications of accepted truths, rather than endless fact-checking battles.

In conclusion, while the notion “If it’s on the Internet, it must be true!” might sound idealistic, it taps into our longing for a world where information is infallible and readily available. The concept hints at a future where doubt and skepticism are relics of the past, and the digital realm becomes a utopia of unwavering certainty. While this vision is compelling, it’s essential to remember that the reality of the internet is far more complex, demanding critical thinking, fact-checking, and media literacy to navigate its diverse and often ambiguous landscape.

(The last 5 paragraphs were written entirely by ChatGPT.)


Now, argue against it!

(Which is actually what it gave me first!)

In today’s digital age, the internet has transformed into an expansive ocean of information, where facts, opinions, and misinformation collide. The adage “If it’s on the Internet, it must be true!” might have once encapsulated the excitement of accessing a vast wealth of knowledge, but it’s a sentiment that needs a reality check. The rise of fake news, misinformation campaigns, and biased content has cast a shadow over this once-optimistic notion. Let’s delve into why blind trust in online information can be perilous and how critical thinking should be our guiding principle.

While the internet offers remarkable access to information, not all information is created equal. A multitude of sources can range from credible and peer-reviewed to outright fabricated. The sheer volume of content makes it impossible for platforms to thoroughly fact-check every piece of information. This reality has given rise to misinformation spreading like wildfire, often fueled by confirmation bias – the tendency to believe information that aligns with our preexisting beliefs.

Clever manipulation of digital content has made discerning truth from falsehood a daunting task. Deepfake technology, for instance, can convincingly alter videos and audio recordings, making it challenging to identify what’s real. Moreover, the algorithms that curate our online experiences often lead to echo chambers, where we’re exposed to information that reaffirms our viewpoints, further blurring the line between reality and misinformation.

To navigate the digital landscape wisely, embracing critical thinking is paramount. Fact-checking information through reputable sources, analyzing the author’s credentials, and cross-referencing claims are essential practices. Media literacy education should be prioritized to equip individuals with the tools to evaluate the credibility of online content. Critical questions like “Who benefits from this information?” and “Is there evidence to support the claims?” can serve as effective filters against falling for falsehoods.

In conclusion, the mantra “If it’s on the Internet, it must be true!” oversimplifies the complex nature of online information. The democratization of content creation comes with the responsibility to be discerning consumers. Blindly accepting information can have profound consequences, from personal decisions based on faulty information to the perpetuation of harmful myths. As we navigate the digital realm, let’s remember that an empowered, critical mindset is the compass that guides us through the sea of information, helping us distinguish fact from fiction.

(The last 5 paragraphs were written entirely by ChatGPT.)

“Just because it’s on the Internet doesn’t mean it’s true – that’s like believing everything a magician says is real magic!”


That was good… Give me a few more!

“Believing everything on the internet is like thinking all the cookies in the jar are chocolate chip – you might end up with a handful of raisins!”


“Thinking everything on the internet’s true? Nah, it’s like believing candy makes you fly – you gotta use your brain!”


Well, the first two were good anyway.

What do you believe?

More things that are definitely true...

They must be, right?

Related Facts: admin // core // featured


This website is PARODY and provided for entertainment and educational value only.

There is nothing true, accurate or confirmed about ANY of the alleged “facts” or supposed “quotes” on this website.

Other than this…

Your Website is the ONLY thing you can Fully Own and Control Online!

Believe it.

What People Are Saying About Our Website

Intellectuals & Scientists from History agree…

“Become a writer or a publisher and you can make anything true.”

Thomas Jefferson

“Don’t question the things you read on the Internet. Believe everything and take it all at face value. Don’t even try to verify facts for yourself. Leave it to the professionals!”

Albert Schweitzer

Finally! Truth you can REALLY Believe!

Verified by the Internet

(Don't just believe in anything.)


This website is PARODY and provided for entertainment and educational value only.

There is nothing true, accurate or confirmed about ANY of the alleged “facts” or supposed “quotes” on this website.